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Martensitic Stainless Steel for Heat Treating

Martensite is formed by rapid cooling (quenching) of austenite which traps carbon atoms that do not have time to diffuse out of the crystal structure. This martensitic reaction begins during cooling when the austenite reaches the martensite start temperature (Ms) and the parent austenite becomes mechanically unstable. At a constant temperature below Ms, a fraction of the parent austenite transforms rapidly, then no further transformation will occur. When the temperature is decreased, more of the austenite transforms to martensite. Finally, when the martensite finish temperature (Mf) is reached, the transformation is complete. Continue reading to learn more about the available processes for martensitic stainless steel heat treating.

Available Processes – AnnealHarden, Deep Freeze, TemperStress Relieve

Martensitic Stainless Steel Alloys for Heat Treatment

Applied Thermal Technologies has the expertise to provide martensitic stainless steel heat treating, and other heat treatment services for the following stainless steel alloys:

  • 431S.S
  • X15TN
  • 403 S.S
  • 410 S.S
  • 416 S.S
  • 420 S.S
  • 422 S.S
  • 440A S.S
  • 440B S.S
  • 440C S.S
  • Greek Ascoloy Trimrite