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Bar Codes

Applied Thermal Technologies has developed a system that utilizes a “Part Master List” that extracts process parameters to maintain consistency from order to order. To help eliminate clerical errors we have implemented a bar code reader and software but need the help of our customers to take full advantage. Applied Thermal Technologies is asking for the assistance of all of our customers in adding bar-coded data to purchase orders. Doing this will help with the following;

  1. Reduce the chance of processing errors resulting from incorrect data entry.
  2. Reduce the amount of time “Incoming Inspection” requires.
  3. Reduce the chance of clerical errors.

Applied Thermal Technologies currently utilizes the “3 of 9” barcode for data entry. We could provide this if required. Data to be listed by barcode may be found on the “Purchase Order Requirements” sheet attached.  We appreciate your assistance in this to help reduce the chance of cost increase from the time consumption of data entry and correction of processed paperwork.

If you have any questions or comments please let us know. This is beneficial to both companies.